Cherry On Top…

Weekly prompt: The cherry on top. The icing on the cake. Or, as the straightforward folks at Oxford Dictionaries explain it, “a desirable feature perceived as the finishing touch to something that is already very good.”

Show us the detail that made a good experience a truly transcendent one — let’s celebrate the cherries on top!


This sign for ba-da bing cherries from New Jersey, although not icing on a cake,  made my day by making me smile..:)



Weekly Challenge: Details…

For this week’s challenge, try to look past the big picture and take a more intimate approach. Zoom in on details in unexpected places — it can be something from the natural world, or it can be human-made.


My daughter Deb is a knitter and one of the things she enjoys knitting are shawls.  The patterns are so intricate and detailed, I am always in awe of how beautiful they are, and how talented she is 🙂


Weekly Challenge: Look Up…

For this week’s challenge, take a moment to look up. Whether it’s the fan above your head at work, your bedroom ceiling, or the night sky, what do you see? Is it familiar? Or does it show you a new perspective on your surroundings?


I love the architecture of New York City and even though I have many photos looking up at the tops of buildings I think this one of the Chrysler Building might be one of my favorites.  I happen to look at just the right time as the sun was hitting the windows near the top of this beautiful art deco building.


Weekly Photo Challenge: Opposites…

In the photo this week, show how opposites can tell a story about people, places, or objects.

I chose the The National Monument to the Forefathers — also known as the Pilgrim Monument in Plymouth, MA. The monument is topped by a 36-foot-tall statue of Faith, who alone weighs 180 tons. Surrounding statues include Liberty, Peace, Tyranny, Education, Wisdom, Youth, Law, Mercy, Justice, and Morality.

Here is the statue and four opposite sides… Education, Morality, Liberty, Law.

